Thursday, April 21, 2011

1.     Why is there a need for machines?
·        Helps to lead a comfortable life
·        Save time and money of the owner
·        Helps in mass production
·        More economic and beneficial, durable and reliable.
·        High quality performance from first to last product

2.     What is proto-industrialization? What are its features?
·        It’s the early phase of industrialization where mass production took place without help of machines
·        In this system advancements were given to the producer by the merchants
·        Merchants had their production in countryside
·        It was a step wise systematic method of production.
·        As merchants and villagers both were dependent on each other hence both were profited

3.      Explain the pace of industrial change.
·        The most dynamic industry during this period was steel and cotton industry. There was a higher pace of change compared to other industries
·        Before industrialization most of the products were by traditional methods. So even after revolution factories could not displace them completely. Hence the pace was not increased much.
·        Traditional industries development was dependent on small scale innovations. So still there was not any huge change in the pace of change.
·        New technologies were not widely accepted. So even after introduction of a new technology there wasn’t any huge change in the pace.

4.     Why was hand labor more preferred as compared to machines?
·        Laborers were given low wages as there was a huge availability of them.(less capital investment but more returns)
·        Machines required much capital investments but gave same results
·        A range of products were only possible through hand labour
·        There was a huge demand of hand made goods as they were considered of high quality
·        Many types of designs required human hands skill.

5.      What were the effects of industrialization on the life of workers?
·        There was a fear of losing jobs by existing labors due to massive unemployment.
·        Even after migration  to cities from villages there was unemployment  of the traditional workers
·         Jobs became seasonal as machines were able to do other works
·        The wages were fixed hence when prices rose there was bankruptcy.
·        Machines created lots of fumes hence there was poor working conditions for the workers.

6.     Explain the system of networking of Indian textiles by Indian merchants.
·        Firstly investment was done in the countryside production in form of giving advancements
·        The product was taken from one house to another house of production by the merchants.
·        The final product was collected and taken to shipyards and traded where huge profits were earned.

7.     What factors lead to its breakdown?
·       Concessions by the European from local courts.
·       Political control and expansion of monopoly trade.
·       Elimination of old traders and brokers by the colonial masters.

8.     What were of measures taken by the British officials?
·       Introduction of gomasthas for systematic production of products
·       Elimination of old trader and brokers
·        Giving of advancements which lead to bonded labour system
·       Selling of only British products and heavy taxes on others

9.     What was the result of the measures taken?
·        Conflicts between weavers and Gomasthas
·        Bonded labour  due to advancements
·        Migration from and desertification of villages
·        Change of profession from weavers to labourers
·        Poverty and unemployment

10. Who were Gomasthas? What were there functions?
·        They were connecting links between British and weavers.
There functions were:-
·        Supervising of weavers
·        Collection of finished products.
·        Examination of quality of products
·        Giving punishments to weavers and information to British.

11. How Manchester came to India? What were the problems faced by weavers du to it?
·        In real sense Manchester came to India means:-
·        Flooding of Indian Markets with products made from Manchester.
·        This happened because British imposed taxes on import and force East India company to sell British good in India.
The problems faced are:-
·        Markets collapsed for export trade.
·        Domestic market shrank
·        Shortage of raw materials
·        Completion due to Industrialization in India.

12. Who is jobber? How he misused his power?
·        Jobber is an old trusted worker who got people from villagers and ensured them jobs
·        They misused power in following ways:-
·        Favoritism of workers
·        Demand of bribes and gifts from workers
·        Removing workers from jobs.

13. Explains the peculiarities of industrial growth
·        The purpose was of exporting the good and not for sale in India.
·        India, famous for producing for fine fabric, started producing coarse yarn.
·        Cotton piece production increased instead of yarn
·        Industrial rapidity during WW1 did not help for economic growth but helped Britain for supplies.

14. Why small scale Industries predominated between 1900-1940 ?
·        Adoption of new technologies
·        Use of fly shuttles in loom
·        Coarse clothes and fine clothes in demand
·        Mills were not specialized in variety cloth production
·        In this system there was less capital required.

15.            How was public persuaded to buy the products?
·       Advertisement-Made them appear desirable, tried to shape the mind of the people .
·       Trademark - sign of quality, Use of Indian gods as trade mark.
·       Calendars - popularize the product, could be used by illiterate.
·       Nationalism-Gave patriotic verses, helped to spread swadeshi movement.

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