Wednesday, September 8, 2010

       Making Of the Global World
1.      Food – an example of long distance culture exchange
·         Spaghetti and noodles
·         Pasta
·         Foods in India
·         Dependence on potato
·         Discovery of India
2.      The most powerful weapon of Spanish consequences
·         Germs of smallpox
·         No immunity
·         Spread of disease
·         Way for conquest
3.      Why thousand fled from Europe to America?
·         Poverty ad hunger
·         Overcrowded cities
·         Deadly disease
·         Religious conflicts

4.      Flows within international economic exchange
·         Flows of trade
·         Flows of capital
·         Flows of Labour

5.      Corn Laws: Pressure from landed groups- restricted import of corn
·         Industrialists- unhappy with corn law- corn produced less-prices increased.
·         Peasants were unhappy- land utilized- good sum of money.
·         Urban dwellers were unhappy.
6.      Role of Technology
·         Railways, steamships and telegraph
·         Technological advances

7.      Problems in carrying live animals on ships
·         Lot of space
·         Died in voyage
·         Became unfit

8. Advantages of carrying slaughtered animals
·         Reduced shipping costs
·         Lowered meat prices
·         More varied diet
9. Methods to recruit African labour by Europeans
·         Imposing heavy taxes
·         Changing inheritance laws
·         Rinderpest: It was a cattle disease.
10. What was it? How it reached Africa? Why?
·         Carried by infected cattle from British Asia to feed the Italian soldiers
·         Reached Africa’s Atlantic Coast in 1892.
·         Lass of cattle- destruction of African livelihoods
·         Monopoly over scare resources
·         Control over cattle.
11. Uses of Britain’s trade surplus with India
·         Balancing trade deficits
·         Play ‘home charges’
·         Pay interests

 12. Significance of World War 1
·         Use of modern weapons/ First modern industrial war
·         Large number of solders from around World
·         Large transportation
·         Massive destruction

 13. Effects of 1st World war
·         Mass death and destruction
·         Reduction in workforce of Europe
·         Restructuring of industries
·         Reorganization of society
14.      Effects of Economic Boom(during war)
·         Production increased
·         Employment increased

15.      Methods followed by Henry ford for mass production.
·         Assembly line
·         Doubling wages
·         Banning trade unions

16.      Impacts of Assembly line method
·         Copying in Europe
·         Low cost and prices
·         More affordability
·         Mass production
·         Demand for work increased

17.      Factors for great depression
·         Agriculture overproduction
·         Loans from US
·         Withdrawal of US loans

18.      Effects of Great depression on India
·         Halved import and export
·         Prices crashed
·         Indebt ness of peasants and farmers
·         Refusal for reduction in revenue

19.      How peasants coped up with GD?
·         Increased peasants indebt ness
·         Used their savings
·         Mortgaged lands
·         Sold jewellary

20.      Lessons for USA from inter- war economic experience
·         Mass production by full employment
·         Economic links with outside world

21.      Influences that shaped post- war reconstruction
·         US dominance
·         Dominance of the Soviet union

22.      Aims of Bretton wood system
·         Role IMF
·         Role of world bank

23.      Effects of Bretton woods system
·         Growth of incomes and trade
·         Stale growth
·         Spread of technology and enterprises

24.      Factors for end of Bretton woods system
·         Rising cost of overseas involvement
·         No command of US dollars
·         Focus over developing countries
·         Fixed exchange rate

25.      Factors helping China a position in World Market
·         Low wages, cheap labour
·         Low cost structure of Chinese goods
·         Hardworking workers

26.      After corn laws scrapped – effects on Britain
·          British agriculture unable to compete
·         Vast area remain uncultivated
·          Unemployment
·         Migration

27.      Role of Silk route in Globalization
·         Connecting the Word
·         Trade and commence
·         Culture exchange

28.      Role of conquest in globalization
·         Industries
·         Introduction of English language
·         Exchange of knowledge
·         Establishment of Railways

29.      What were the ancient or pre-modern factors which helped in globalization
·         Travelers
·         Traders
·         Priests and Pilgrims
·         Germs and disease

30.      3 types of Flows
·         Flow of trade
·         Flow of labour
·         Flow of capital

31.      How a global agriculture economy took place
·         Flow of trade
·         Flow of labour
·         Flow of capital

32.      Factors which led to making of a global world
·         Railways
·         Telegraph
·         Steam ships
·         Internet

33.      Effects of reinterprets
·         Rest ruction of cattle
·         Destruction of livelihood
·         Monopolization of cattles
·         Conquering part of Africa

                               1 mark  question
Q.1 what   is   globalisation ?
Q.2 how  globalisation  was  carried  in  ancient  times ?
Q.3 what  do  you  understand  by ‘cowries’ ?
Q.4 how  silk  route  got  its  name ?
Q.5 which  area did  the  silk  route  joined ?
Q.6 how  can  say  that  silk  route  helped  in  cultural  exchange ? ( any 2 point)
Q.7 how  america  entered  the  world  of  food  exchange ?
Q.8 what  is  ‘the  fabled  city  of  gold’ ?
Q.9 how  the  spanish  conqured  america ?
Q.10 who  is  dissenter ?
Q.11 what  is  ‘corns  law’ ?
Q.12 in  which  countries  the  lands  were  cleared  and            food  production  expanded  to  meet  the  british  demand ?
Q.13 mention  the  areas  from  where  indentured  labours  were  taken ?
Q.14 in  early  20th  century  the  main  product  of  the  trade , 60%  of  the  trade , compramised  what ?
Q.15 what  is  the  advantages  of  refrigarated  ships ?
Q.16 from  where  the  animals  were  collected  to  be  slaughtered ?
Q.17 where  the  big  european  powers  met  in  1885  to  complete  the  carving  up  of  africa  between  them ?
Q.18 why  some  countries  in  africa  have  straight  borders ?
Q.19 what  is  rinderpest ?
Q.20 what  was  the  problem  of  europeans  in  africa ?
Q.21 what  were  the  hopes  of  europe  in  africa ?
Q.22 what  attracted  europe ?
Q.23 what  were  the  steps  taken  by  european , before  rinderpest  came  to  tackle  the  problem  of  less  workers ?
Q.24 when  rinderpest  arrived  in  africa ?
Q.25 how  rinderpest  came  to  africa ?
Q.26 what  was  the  main  aim  of  the  europeans  to  do  so ?
Q.27 who  is  an  indentured  labour ?
Q.28 from  where  in  india  the  indentured  labours  were  taken ?
Q.29 what  were  the  main  destinations  of  the  indian  indentured  labourers ?
Q.30 what  were  the  false  information  given  to  the  workers ?
Q.31 what  do  you  understand  by  ‘new  system  of  slavery’ ?
Q.32 what  is  hossay ?
Q.33 what  do  you  mean  by  rasta  farianism ?
Q.34 what  is  chutney  music ?
Q.35 how  indentured  labourers  are  connected  to  globalisation ?
Q.36 why  do  the  indians , shivnarine  chanderpaul  and  ramnaresh  sarwan  play  for  west  indies ?
Q.37 when  was  the  process  of  indenturing  labours  abolished ?
Q.38 who  are  the  shikaripuri  shroffs ?
Q.39 who  are  nattukottai  chettiars ?
Q.40 which  entrepreneur  ventured  beyond  the  colonies  of  europe ?
Q.41 ‘british  had  a  trade  surplus with  india’. What  do  you  mean  by  trade  surplus  here ?
Q.42 which  was  the  first  modern  industrial  war ?
Q.43 during  the  first  world  war  which , who  were  allies  and  who  were  central  powers ?
Q.44 after  the   first  world  war , which  was  the  only  country  in  the  war , which  was  gaining  instead  of  loosing ?
Q.45 henry  ford  adapted  the  assembly   line  of  which  slaughter  house ?
Q.46 where  henry  ford  setup  its  new  car  plant ?
Q.47 which  model  of  car  did  henry  ford  made ?
Q.48 which  was  world’s   first  mass  produced  car ?
Q.49 why  henry  ford  doubled  the  wages  of  workers ?
Q.50 why  henry  ford  banned  trade  unions ?
Q.51 what  were  worst  affected  by  the  great  depression ?
Q.52 why  urban  india  was  safe  from  depression ?
Q.53 who  were  the  axis  powers  and  allied  powers  during  the  second  world  war ?
Q.54 what  were  the  two  realisation  of  america ?
Q.55 what  were  the  two  crucial  influences  that  shaped  post-war  re-construction?
Q.56 what  is  bretton  woods  institution ?
Q.57 which  two  institutions  were  established  by  the  bretton  wood  institution ?
Q.58 what  is  tariff ?
Q.59 what  is  fixed  exchange  rate ?
Q.60 what  is  floating  exchange  rate ?
Q.61 why  bretton  woods  institution  began  to  shift  their  attention  more  towards  developing  countries  instead  of  developed  countries  in  1950’s ?
Q.62 what  do  you  understand  by  nieo ?
Q.63 what  were  the  aims  of  g-77 ?
Q,64 why  did  system  of  fixed  exchange  rate  collpsed ?
Q.65 why  most  of  the  tv’s , mobile  phones , and  toys  in  market  are  made  in  china ?
Q.66 what  are  exchange  rate ?

Chapter-4 ( The Making of a Global World)
1.      Globalization
2.      Cowries
3.      Silk Route
4.      Spaghetti
5.      Columbus
6.      American Indians
7.      Potato crisis
8.      El Dorado
9.      Colonialism
10.  Religious Dissenters
11.  Three flows
12.  Corns law
13.  Lighter wagons
14.  Refrigerated ships
15.  Rienderpest
16.  Plantation
17.  Indentured labour
18.  Caribbean island
19.  Fiji
20.  Hosay
21.  Chutney music
22.  Rastafarianism
23.  V.S.Naipal
24.  Shivnarine Chanderpaul
25.  Ramnaresh Sarwan
26.  Shikaripuri shroff
27.  Nattukotai chetiars
28.  Hyderabadi sindhi traders
29.  Tariff
30.  Trade surplus
31.  Multi lateral settlement system
32.  Home charges
33.  First world war
34.  Allies
35.  Central power
36.  Economic power
37.  Henry Ford
38.  Deteroit
39.  T-model ford cars
40.  Assembly line meathod
41.  Mass production
42.  Great depression
43.  Agricultural overproduction
44.  Indebtness
45.  International Monetary Fund (IMF)
46.  World bank
47.  Second world war
48.  Axis powers
49.  Bretten wood conference
50.  Exchange rates
51.  Fixed exchange rates
52.  Floating exchange rates
53.  Group-77 (G-77)
54.  New International Economic Order (NIEO)
55.  Multi National Company (MNC)

1 comment:

  1. In the first point it should be discovery of America instead of discovery of India isn't it?
