Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Q1. Describes the movement for democracy in Nepal?               
The problem     Nepal became a democracy in 1990 and King Birendra accepted constitution monarchy, but after his death king Gyanendra denied, dismissed the P.M and dissolved the parliament.
To regain democracy, movt. Started.
·         SPA(Seven Party Alliance) was formed
·         SPA called for a strike. People supported
·         Demands-Restoration of parliament, power to an all party govt., a new constituent assembly.
·         24 April 06,King was forced to accept these three demands, SPA chose G P koirala as new P.M of the interim govt. .
Q2. Describe about Bolivia’s water war?
·         The problem – UN forced Bolivia’s govt to give up control of municipal water supply of the city of Cochabamba. Now under an MNC the price of water goes up(by 4 times).spontaneous protest.
·         Demands of Bolivians-to cancel the MNC’s right to water
·         Role of popular struggles by different communities, FEDECOR, human right communities.
·         Success in the movt. – Contract with MNC cancelled and water supply by the municipality at the same old rates.2006 – FEDECOR came to power.
Q3. Role of Organisation and Mobilization in democratic struggle.
Organization- a group of people in one platform struggling for a common cause
·         People get one common platform
·         It unites the people
·         Gives rise to leadership and team work
·         It directly or indirectly influence the govt.
Mobilization-persuading and convincing people
·         Self motivation
·         Mobilization by leaders
Q4. How r pressure groups different from political parties?
Pressure groups.                          Political parties
*      Don’t aim to directly control or        Aim is to capture political power.
 share power. just want to
 influence govt. policies.

*      It constitutes people from same      they can have diverse objective.
Occupation, opinion have a
common objective.

*      It is not a loose organization.            It is open for all and is a loose org.
*      It can be public or sectional               It can be Regional or national parties

Q5. Differences between the following organizations.
Movt                                                               I .G 
Loose organization and mass                             not so loose.
Participation seen.
It is formal and we can join any time.              It is not formal.
Eg .  Narmada Bachao Andolan                       Eg. Lawyer Union
      Sectional interest group                                       public I .G
Their main aim is the better                 they aim for general well being of
and well being of members,not            the society.
Society in general.
Members from same type of people        Members from different types.
Eg. Trade unions.                                                        Eg.    BAMCEF  

Long term movt.                                                                    Short term movt.
Seek to achieve a broad goal in a                    they are issue specific. For a short term.
Very long time.
They have unlimited time       .                       they have limited time.
Have clear leadership and some                      there may be no org. to guide the movt.
organization to guide.
Eg. Environment protection movt.                 Eg. Narmada Bachao Andolan.
Q6. How do pressure groups and movts. exert influence on politics?
*      Gain public support-through campaigning, meetings and filling petitions
*      They try to influence the media to give more attention to their issue
*      Protest activities like Strikes or disrupting govt. programmes.to force it.
*      Employing  professional lobbyists to fight for them
*      Participating in official bodies and committees of the government to suggest                          
Q7. Describe the relationship between political party and pressure groups .
·         PG are extended hands of PP – most of the trde unions or students unions are either established are affiliated to PPs
*      PP growing out of movement-DMK, AIADMK, Asom Gana Parishad
*      Indirect relations through negotiation and and dialogue.-They raised new issues

Q8. Is influence of interest groups/ pressure groups healthy or unhealthy?
Healthy influence

*      They have deepened democracy, RTI act compulsory edu. Act  and many other acts have been possible due to them only.
*      As long as everyone gets the opportunity, putting pressure on rulers is not unhealthy. Activity
*      System of checks and balances
*      Where different groups function actively, no one group can have dominance.
Unhealthy influence
*      It defeats democracy-A democracy should look after the interests of all not one.
*      Pressure groups are not accountable to the people as they don’t have to contest election.
*      Sometimes pressure groups with small public support but huge amount of money can highjack public discussion in favour of their narrow agenda.
*      Negative attitude of the people leads to violence and loss of property

Ques.1  Economic  and  political  scenario  in India  after  world  war  1–
Ø  Defense  expenditure  increased-led to tax burden
Ø  Custom  duties , income  tax were introduced
Ø  Forced  recruitment from villages
Ø  Extreme  hardship – high  prices ,  crops  failed , influenza, famines

Ques.2  Rowlat  Act –
An act passed in 1919 which gave the power to government to repress the political activities by allowing detention of political prisioners without trial for 2 years.
Ø  Rallies , railway  workers  on  strikes , shops  closed
Ø  Gandhi  barred  entry  into  Delhi
Ø  10  April – a  peaceful  procession  fired  upon
Ø  Widespread  attacks  on  govt.  Institutions
Ø  Martial  law  imposed  by Gen.  Dyer
Ø  Jallianwalabagh massacre-1919
Ques.3 Jallianwala  bagh-
Ø  On 13 April 1919 on the day of Baisakhi
Ø  Not awared about martial law
Ø  Thousands were killed by Gen Dyer
Ø  Strikes , clashes  with  the  police
Ø  Attacks  on  govt.  Buildings
Ø  Brutal repression by British govt.
Ø  Villages  bombed  and  people  flogged

Ques.4 Ideas  of Satyagraha –
Ø  Pure  soul  force 
Ø  Novel  method  of  mass  agitation
Ø  Emphasized  the  power  of  truth  and  need  to  search  for  truth
Ø  Suggested  to  use  non-violence  against  oppressors
Ø  If  the  cause  is  true  and  the  struggle  is  against  injustice , then  no  violence  is  required  to  fight  the  oppressor

 ques.5 Gandhiji’s   3  experiments –
Ø  1917 – went  to  champaran  in  Bihar  to  inspire  peasants  to  struggle  against  oppressive  plantation  system
Ø  1917 – organized  satyagrah  for  peasants  of  Gujarat at Kheda
Ø  1918 – travelled  to  Ahmadabad  to  organize  satyagrah  among  cotton  mill  workers

 Q6 Why  was  NCM  launched ?
Ø  Realization  of  Gandhi
Ø  To  support  khilafat  movement  and  swaraj
Ø  Hindu  Muslim  unity

 Why  NCM  slowed  down  in  cities ?
Ø  Expensive  khadi
Ø  Boycott  of  British  institution  posed  a  problem-no substitutes for them

 Stages  of  NCM –
Ø  Surrender  of  titles
Ø  Boycott  of  foreign  goods  and  institutions
Ø  To go for a full Civil Disobedience
Ø  Financial lose to British Govt.-import to India went down
Ø  Promotion of Indian goods
Ø  Workers strikes led to down in British production
Ø  Chauri-Chaura incident-1922
Q7. Participation of various groups in NCM
Ø  Middle class in cities-Role of students, teachers, lawers- boycott and swadeshi
Ø  Peasants’ participation-Awadh-under Baba Ramchandra-Nai-Dhobi Bandh
Ø  Tribals’ Participation-at Gudem Hills of A.P under Alluri Sita ram Raju
Ø  Plantation Workers-different notion of swaraj-right to move freely-Gandhi raj is coming

 Q8. Peasants  movements  in  Awadh –
Ø  Led  mainly  by  Baba  Ramchandra ,an  indentured labour  from  Fiji. Mainly this movement was against the oppressive Talukdars and Zamindars.
Ø  Abolishing  begar
Ø  Social  boycott  of  oppressive  landlords
Ø  Reduction  of  revenue
Ø  Organizing  nai-dhobi  bandhs
Ø  Setting  up  of  oudh  kisan  sabha
Ø  Attacks  and  loot
Ø  Declaration  of  paying  no  taxes  and  redistribution  of  land  among  poor  people

 Q9. Tribal  Movement  in  Gudem  hills  of  A.P
Alluri Sitaram Raju claimed having super power-as incarnation of God.
Problems of Tribals-
Ø  Forbidden  to  enter  forests
Ø  Forbidden  to  collect  fuel  woods , fruits
Ø  Affected  livelihood , denial  of  traditional  rights
Ø  Begar  for  construction
Ø  Poplarisation of Gandhi by Raju
Ø  He persuaded the people to wear Khadi and give up drinking
Ø  Believe in Violence
 Q10. Aim of Simon Commission-
Ø  To  look  into  the  functioning  of  Indian  constitutional  system
Ø  Suggested  changes  to  it
Reaction of Indians –
Ø  Slogans  of  ‘go  back  Simon’
Ø  Demonstration  by  different  parties
Ø  Dominion  status

Q11.  Why CDM started? Stages  of  CDM –
Ø  Breaking  of  salt  law
Ø  Failure of Simon Commission
Ø  Declaration of Purna Swaraj in Lahor Congress in 1929
Stages  of  CDM
Ø  Salt  march-13 March to 6 April-240 miles covered in 24 days
Ø  Breaking  of  salt  law-6th April at Dandi
Ø  Declaration of Full  civil  disobedience  of  laws
Ø  Gandhi – Irwin  pact
Ø  Re-launch  of  CDM  in  1932
Effects  of  CDM –
Ø  Foreign  cloth  boycotted
Ø  Liquour  shops  picketed
Ø  Refusal  to  pay  revenue  and  chaukidari  taxes
Ø  Village  officials  resigned
Ø  Violation  of  forest  laws  by  forest  people

Q12. Gandhi-Irwin  pact
Ø  Took  place  on  5  march  1931
Ø  Gandhiji  consented  to  participate  in  Round Table Conference  in  London
After returning from London Gandhiji found-
Ø  Abdul Ghaffar  khan  and  Nehru  were  in  jail
Ø  The  congress  had  been  declared  illegal
Ø  A  series  of  measures  imposed  to  prevent  meetings , demonstration  and  boycotts

Q13.Different Groups participated in CDM
 Peasants  communities 
      Rich  peasants –Patidars of Gujrat and Jats of UP
Ø  Hard  hit  by  trade  depression  and  falling  prices
Ø  Cash  income  disappeared
Ø  Refusal  of  govt.  To  reduce  revenue  demand

Ø  Wanted  revision  of  revenue  rates
Poor  peasants
Ø  Cash  income  dwindled  so  small  tenants  unable  to  pay  their  rent
Ø  They  wanted  the  unpaid  rent  to  landlords  be  remitted
Business  classes
Ø  Wanted  protection  against  govt.  Policies  that  restricted  business  activities
Ø  A  rupee – sterling  foreign  exchange  ratio  to  discourage  imports
Ø  They  provided  financial  assistance 

Industrial  workers
Ø  Movements  against  low  wages  and  poor  working  condition

Women  participation
Ø  Participated  in  protest  marches
Ø  Manufactured  salt
Ø  Picketed  foreign  cloth  and  liquour  shops
Ø  Service  to  nation – a   duty

Q14.  Limitation  of  CDM
Ø  Non-  participation  of  dalits
Ø  Separate Electorates demanded by B.R.Ambedkar
Ø  Non-  participation  of  Muslims-motivated under Muslim League
Ø  Separate Representation  demanded  by  Jinnah

Q15.  Sense  of  Collective  Belongingness(Various Cultural Processes responsible)
Ø  Identity  of  the  nation  as  Bharat mata
Ø  Indian  folklore ,slogans and  songs
Ø  Indian Literature, Novels
Ø  Tri -colour  flag
Ø  Reinterpretation  of  history