Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Q1:    Frederic Sorrieu’s prints:-
(i)                   His four prints visualizing his dream of ‘democratic and social republics’
(ii)                 Statue of liberty as a female figure- with torch of enlightenment in one hand and charter of Rights of man in other
(iii)               on the foreground lie shattered remains of absolutist institutions
(iv)               People of the world are grouped as different nations with their flags

Q2:    What is a Nation State:-
(i)                   majority of its citizen develop a scene of common identity
(ii)                 Common shared history or descent
(iii)               Common unity  & common feeling
(iv)               Large-scale Solidarity, It’s existence is a daily plebiscite

Q3:    Steps and measures by introduced by French revolutionaries:-
(i)                   Idea of La Patrie(the father land) and Le Citoyen(the citizen)
(ii)                 a new tricolor French flag
(iii)               elections of Estates General by active citizens
(iv)               Patriotic hymns were composed
(v)                 abolishing internal custom duties and dues
(vi)               adoption of uniform system of weights and measures
(vii)             French became the common language

Q4:    Napoleonic code:-
·         In Dutch republic, Switzerland, Italy and Germany
(i)                   He simplified administrative divisions
(ii)                 Established equality of all the people and abolished privileges by birth
(iii)               Abolished the feudal system
(iv)               Freed peasants from serfdom and memorial dues
·          In towns
(i)                   Guild restrictions were removed
(ii)                 Transport and communication systems improved
·         Business, peasants, artisans and workers
(i)                 Uniform laws
(ii)               Standardized weights and measures
(iii)             A common national currency
(i)           taxation was increased
(ii)          Censorship- Restriction on freedom of speech & expression
(iii)        Forced conscriptions into French armies – to conquer the rest of Europe

Q5:    Liberal Nationalism :-
Social liberalism
(i)                 No special privileges to any group
(ii)               Equality for all
Political liberalism
(i)                 Right to vote to elect own ruler
(ii)               A constitution
(iii)             Abolition of absolute rule

Economic liberalization
(i)                     Freedom of markets
(ii)                   Abolition of state- imposed restriction on the movement of goods and capital
(iii)                 Common Currency
Q6:    Zollverein:-
 Ans:    A custom union formed at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the German statesin 1834.          
(i)           The union abolished tariff barriers
(ii)         Reduced the number of currencies from thirty to two
(iii)       Supported Freedom of markets and improvement of roads

Q7:    Treaty of Vienna (1815)
Aims    1. To restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by napoleon  
2.  Get a new conservative order in Europe
(i)         The bourbon dynasty restored to power
(ii)       France lost the territories, it had annexed under Napoleon
(iii)     A series of states set on French boundaries to prevent its expansion in     future
(iv)     Imposed censorship laws

Q8:    Giuseppe Mazzini:-
                                                              i.            Founded two underground societies—Young Italy in Marseilles and Young Europe in Borne
                                                            ii.            He opposed monarchy and had a vision of democratic republic
                                                          iii.            United the Italian people

Q9:    July Revolution (1830)
This is the Political Revolution in the month of July 1830 in France.
Changes made in France
(i)          Bourbon dynasty was overthrown by liberal revolutionaries
(ii)        Installation of constitutional monarchy
(iii)      Louis Philippe elected as head
1.      Uprising in Brussels – led to Belgium breaking away from United Kingdom of Netherlands
2.      Gave force to Greek War of Independence- 1832
Q10:    Greek war of independence
(i)     Ottoman Empire was growing old and weak
(ii)   Struggle for independence among Greeks began in 1921 – against Muslim Ottoman empire
(iii) Supported by West Europeans and Greeks living in exile
(iv) Lord Biron, an English port organized funds and later went to fight in the war
(i) Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognized Greece as an independent nation
(ii)               Mobilized nationalist feeling among the educated elite

Q10:    Role of Romanticism in spreading nationalism
It is a Cultural movement in the  field of art, music, dance, writing and language development.
(i)     Role of art- Frederic Sorrieu
(ii)   Role of Literature- Role of Grimm Brothers in writing fairy tales & publishing books
(iii)  Role of folk dances, songs and poetry –Role of Johans Gottfried Herder of Germany
(iv) Opera and music- Role of Karol Kurpinski of Poland
(v)   Role of language –Polish people used language as weapon against Russia

Q11:    Revolt of 1848 (February Revolution)
This is the Political Revolution in the month of February 1848 in France.
Reason for Revolution
Shortage of food, widespread unemployment
Changes made in France
(i)           France was proclaimed as republic
(ii)   Granted suffrage to all adult males above 21
(iii) Guaranted right to work

Q12:    Unification of Germany:-
(i)     Unification under Napoleon Bonaparte
(ii)   Formation of Frankfurt parliament-1848, 831 elected members 
(iii) Role of Otto von Bismark-chief minister of Prussia
(iv) Three wars over seven years-with Austria, Denmark and France
(v)   Support of William I-in 1871, he was proclaimed as German Emperor
(i)     The new states placed a strong emphasis on modernizing currency, banking, legal and judicial system in Germany  
Q13:    Unification of Italy
(ii)        Role of Mazzini-Young Italy
(iii)      Role of Cavour-chief minister of Sardinia-Piedmont defeated Austrian forces in 1859
(iv)      Role of Giuseppe Garibaldi –captured two sicilies from Spanish rulers
(v)        Role of Victor Emanuel II- economic help

Q14:    Formation of British nation
(i)          A multi- ethnic country-English, Welsh, Scot or Irish
(ii)         Act of union (1707) between England and Scotland, formed U.K
(iii)       Influence over Scotland
(iv)       Influence over  Ireland
(v)      Promotion of symbols of new Britain- its flag, national anthem and language
Q15:    Visualizing the nation
(i)          Female allegory of France
(ii)        Her characteristics drawn from liberty and the republic
(iii)      She wore the red cap, the tricolor, the cockade
(iv)      Considered a national symbol of  unity
(i)           Allegory of the German nation
(ii)         Wears the crown of oak leaves as it stands for heroisms

Q16:    Tension in Balkans
(i)           Multi- ethnic grops-Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia etc.                         
(ii)         Spread of romantic ideas of nationalism
(iii)       Disintegration of ottoman empire-it became weak day by day
(iv)       Jealousy with each other for boundaries and freedom
(v)         Interference of big powers-Russia, Germany, England, Austro-Hungery
(i)           It led to first  world war
(ii)         Also led to formation of nation states

Q17:     How nationalism emerged in Europe?
(i)           Role of middle class- Secret societies and revolutionaries
(ii)         Types of liberalism-social, political and economic
(iii)             Romanticism –cultural nationalism
(iv)             French revolutionary ideas

(v)               National allegories 

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