Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ques.1  Economic  and  political  scenario  in India  after  world  war  1–
Ø  Defense  expenditure  increased-led to tax burden
Ø  Custom  duties , income  tax were introduced
Ø  Forced  recruitment from villages
Ø  Extreme  hardship – high  prices ,  crops  failed , influenza, famines

Ques.2  Rowlat  Act –
An act passed in 1919 which gave the power to government to repress the political activities by allowing detention of political prisioners without trial for 2 years.
Ø  Rallies , railway  workers  on  strikes , shops  closed
Ø  Gandhi  barred  entry  into  Delhi
Ø  10  April – a  peaceful  procession  fired  upon
Ø  Widespread  attacks  on  govt.  Institutions
Ø  Martial  law  imposed  by Gen.  Dyer
Ø  Jallianwalabagh massacre-1919
Ques.3 Jallianwala  bagh-
Ø  On 13 April 1919 on the day of Baisakhi
Ø  Not awared about martial law
Ø  Thousands were killed by Gen Dyer
Ø  Strikes , clashes  with  the  police
Ø  Attacks  on  govt.  Buildings
Ø  Brutal repression by British govt.
Ø  Villages  bombed  and  people  flogged

Ques.4 Ideas  of Satyagraha –
Ø  Pure  soul  force 
Ø  Novel  method  of  mass  agitation
Ø  Emphasized  the  power  of  truth  and  need  to  search  for  truth
Ø  Suggested  to  use  non-violence  against  oppressors
Ø  If  the  cause  is  true  and  the  struggle  is  against  injustice , then  no  violence  is  required  to  fight  the  oppressor

 ques.5 Gandhiji’s   3  experiments –
Ø  1917 – went  to  champaran  in  Bihar  to  inspire  peasants  to  struggle  against  oppressive  plantation  system
Ø  1917 – organized  satyagrah  for  peasants  of  Gujarat at Kheda
Ø  1918 – travelled  to  Ahmadabad  to  organize  satyagrah  among  cotton  mill  workers

 Q6 Why  was  NCM  launched ?
Ø  Realization  of  Gandhi
Ø  To  support  khilafat  movement  and  swaraj
Ø  Hindu  Muslim  unity

 Why  NCM  slowed  down  in  cities ?
Ø  Expensive  khadi
Ø  Boycott  of  British  institution  posed  a  problem-no substitutes for them

 Stages  of  NCM –
Ø  Surrender  of  titles
Ø  Boycott  of  foreign  goods  and  institutions
Ø  To go for a full Civil Disobedience
Ø  Financial lose to British Govt.-import to India went down
Ø  Promotion of Indian goods
Ø  Workers strikes led to down in British production
Ø  Chauri-Chaura incident-1922
Q7. Participation of various groups in NCM
Ø  Middle class in cities-Role of students, teachers, lawers- boycott and swadeshi
Ø  Peasants’ participation-Awadh-under Baba Ramchandra-Nai-Dhobi Bandh
Ø  Tribals’ Participation-at Gudem Hills of A.P under Alluri Sita ram Raju
Ø  Plantation Workers-different notion of swaraj-right to move freely-Gandhi raj is coming

 Q8. Peasants  movements  in  Awadh –
Ø  Led  mainly  by  Baba  Ramchandra ,an  indentured labour  from  Fiji. Mainly this movement was against the oppressive Talukdars and Zamindars.
Ø  Abolishing  begar
Ø  Social  boycott  of  oppressive  landlords
Ø  Reduction  of  revenue
Ø  Organizing  nai-dhobi  bandhs
Ø  Setting  up  of  oudh  kisan  sabha
Ø  Attacks  and  loot
Ø  Declaration  of  paying  no  taxes  and  redistribution  of  land  among  poor  people

 Q9. Tribal  Movement  in  Gudem  hills  of  A.P
Alluri Sitaram Raju claimed having super power-as incarnation of God.
Problems of Tribals-
Ø  Forbidden  to  enter  forests
Ø  Forbidden  to  collect  fuel  woods , fruits
Ø  Affected  livelihood , denial  of  traditional  rights
Ø  Begar  for  construction
Ø  Poplarisation of Gandhi by Raju
Ø  He persuaded the people to wear Khadi and give up drinking
Ø  Believe in Violence
 Q10. Aim of Simon Commission-
Ø  To  look  into  the  functioning  of  Indian  constitutional  system
Ø  Suggested  changes  to  it
Reaction of Indians –
Ø  Slogans  of  ‘go  back  Simon’
Ø  Demonstration  by  different  parties
Ø  Dominion  status

Q11.  Why CDM started? Stages  of  CDM –
Ø  Breaking  of  salt  law
Ø  Failure of Simon Commission
Ø  Declaration of Purna Swaraj in Lahor Congress in 1929
Stages  of  CDM
Ø  Salt  march-13 March to 6 April-240 miles covered in 24 days
Ø  Breaking  of  salt  law-6th April at Dandi
Ø  Declaration of Full  civil  disobedience  of  laws
Ø  Gandhi – Irwin  pact
Ø  Re-launch  of  CDM  in  1932
Effects  of  CDM –
Ø  Foreign  cloth  boycotted
Ø  Liquour  shops  picketed
Ø  Refusal  to  pay  revenue  and  chaukidari  taxes
Ø  Village  officials  resigned
Ø  Violation  of  forest  laws  by  forest  people

Q12. Gandhi-Irwin  pact
Ø  Took  place  on  5  march  1931
Ø  Gandhiji  consented  to  participate  in  Round Table Conference  in  London
After returning from London Gandhiji found-
Ø  Abdul Ghaffar  khan  and  Nehru  were  in  jail
Ø  The  congress  had  been  declared  illegal
Ø  A  series  of  measures  imposed  to  prevent  meetings , demonstration  and  boycotts

Q13.Different Groups participated in CDM
 Peasants  communities 
      Rich  peasants –Patidars of Gujrat and Jats of UP
Ø  Hard  hit  by  trade  depression  and  falling  prices
Ø  Cash  income  disappeared
Ø  Refusal  of  govt.  To  reduce  revenue  demand

Ø  Wanted  revision  of  revenue  rates
Poor  peasants
Ø  Cash  income  dwindled  so  small  tenants  unable  to  pay  their  rent
Ø  They  wanted  the  unpaid  rent  to  landlords  be  remitted
Business  classes
Ø  Wanted  protection  against  govt.  Policies  that  restricted  business  activities
Ø  A  rupee – sterling  foreign  exchange  ratio  to  discourage  imports
Ø  They  provided  financial  assistance 

Industrial  workers
Ø  Movements  against  low  wages  and  poor  working  condition

Women  participation
Ø  Participated  in  protest  marches
Ø  Manufactured  salt
Ø  Picketed  foreign  cloth  and  liquour  shops
Ø  Service  to  nation – a   duty

Q14.  Limitation  of  CDM
Ø  Non-  participation  of  dalits
Ø  Separate Electorates demanded by B.R.Ambedkar
Ø  Non-  participation  of  Muslims-motivated under Muslim League
Ø  Separate Representation  demanded  by  Jinnah

Q15.  Sense  of  Collective  Belongingness(Various Cultural Processes responsible)
Ø  Identity  of  the  nation  as  Bharat mata
Ø  Indian  folklore ,slogans and  songs
Ø  Indian Literature, Novels
Ø  Tri -colour  flag
Ø  Reinterpretation  of  history


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