Friday, July 2, 2010

Chapter – 1
Power sharing

Sub-chapter 1
Belgium and Sri Lanka
1.                   Belgium is a country located in which continent?

2.                   Name the countries that shared borders with Belgium?
      France, the NetherlandsGermany and Luxembourg.

3.                   What is the approx. population of Belgium?
        A little over 1 crore

4.                   Which language do the people living in Flemish region of Belgium speak?
       Dutch language

5.                   What % of people speaks Dutch language?
       59 %

6.                   What % of people speaks French language?
       40 %

7.                   What % of people speaks German language?
       1 %

8.                   In which region do the French- speaking people lived?
      Walloon region

9.                   What is the capital of Belgium?

10.           What % of people lived in the capital that spoke Dutch language?
      20 %

11.           What % of people lived in the capital that spoke French language?
       80 %

12.           Which of the community was relatively rich and powerful?

13.           Which of the community got benefit of development much later?

14.           There were tensions between Dutch and French communities, but where was it more acute?

15.           Which is the most nearest Indian state to Sri Lanka?
       Tamil Nadu

16.           What is the approx. population of Sri Lanka?
       2 crore

17.           What is the % of Sinhala-speakers?   
        74 %

18.           What is the % of Tamil-speakers?  
       18 %

19.           Name the two sub-groups of Tamils?
      Sri- Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils

20.           Who are Sri- Lankan Tamils?
       Tamil natives of the country.

21.           What is the % of Sri- Lankan Tamils?
       13 %

22.           Who are Indian Tamils?
      The people whose fore-fathers came from India as plantation
      Workers during colonial period.

23.           What is the % of Christians in Sri Lanka?
       7 %

24.           Which religion do most Sinhala-speaking people practice?

25.           Most of the Hindus and Muslims are of which community?
26.           Which communities practice Christianity?
      Tamils and Sinhala

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