Sunday, July 4, 2010

History Making Of the Global World By Anis Ali

 1.   Food – an example of long distance culture exchange
·        Spaghetti and noodles
·        Pasta
·        Foods in India
·        Dependence on potato
·        Discovery of India

2.   The most powerful weapon of Spanish consequences
·        Germs of smallpox
·        No immunity
·        Spread of disease
·        Way for conquest

3.   Why thousand fled from Europe to America?
·        Poverty ad hunger
·        Overcrowded cities
·        Deadly disease
·        Religious conflicts

4.   Flows within international economic exchange
·        Flows of trade
·        Flows of capital
·        Flows of Labour

5.   Corn Laws: Pressure from landed groups- restricted import of corn
·        Industrialists- unhappy with corn law- corn produced less-prices increased.
·        Peasants were unhappy- land utilized- good sum of money.
·        Urban dwellers were unhappy.

6.   Role of Technology
·        Railways, steamships and telegraph
·        Technological advances

7.   Problems in carrying live animals on ships
·        Lot of space
·        Died in voyage
·        Became unfit

8. Advantages of carrying slaughtered animals
·        Reduced shipping costs
·        Lowered meat prices
·        More varied diet

9. Methods to recruit African labour by Europeans
·        Imposing heavy taxes
·        Changing inheritance laws
·        Rinderpest: It was a cattle disease.

10. What was it? How it reached Africa? Why?
·        Carried by infected cattle from British Asia to feed the Italian soldiers
·        Reached Africa’s Atlantic Coast in 1892.

·        Lass of cattle- destruction of African livelihoods
·        Monopoly over scare resources
·        Control over cattle.

  11. Uses of Britain’s trade surplus with India
·        Balancing trade deficits
·        Play ‘home charges’
·        Pay interests

 12. Significance of World War 1
·        Use of modern weapons/ First modern industrial war
·        Large number of solders from around World
·        Large transportation
·        Massive destruction

 13. Effects of 1st World war
·        Mass death and destruction
·        Reduction in workforce of Europe
·        Restructuring of industries
·        Reorganization of society

14.  Effects of Economic Boom(during war)
·        Production increased
·        Employment increased

15.  Methods followed by Henry ford for mass production.
·        Assembly line
·        Doubling wages
·        Banning trade unions

16.  Impacts of Assembly line method
·        Copying in Europe
·        Low cost and prices
·        More affordability
·        Mass production
·        Demand for work increased

17.  Factors for great depression
·        Agriculture overproduction
·        Loans from US
·        Withdrawal of US loans

18.  Effects of Great depression on India
·        Halved import and export
·        Prices crashed
·        Indebt ness of peasants and farmers
·        Refusal for reduction in revenue

19.  How peasants coped up with GD?
·        Increased peasants indebt ness
·        Used their savings
·        Mortgaged lands
·        Sold jewellary

20.  Lessons for USA from inter- war economic experience
·        Mass production by full employment
·        Economic links with outside world

21.  Influences that shaped post- war reconstruction
·        US dominance
·        Dominance of the Soviet union

22.  Aims of Bretton wood system
·        Role IMF
·        Role of world bank

23.  Effects of Bretton woods system
·        Growth of incomes and trade
·        Stale growth
·        Spread of technology and enterprises

24.  Factors for end of Bretton woods system
·        Rising cost of overseas involvement
·        No command of US dollars
·        Focus over developing countries
·        Fixed exchange rate

25.  Factors helping China a position in World Market
·        Low wages, cheap labour
·        Low cost structure of Chinese goods
·        Hardworking workers

26.  After corn laws scrapped – effects on Britain
·         British agriculture unable to compete
·        Vast area remain uncultivated
·         Unemployment
·        Migration

27.  Role of Silk route in Globalization
·        Connecting the Word
·        Trade and commence
·        Culture exchange

28.  Role of conquest in globalization
·        Industries
·        Introduction of English language
·        Exchange of knowledge
·        Establishment of Railways

29.  What were the ancient or pre-modern factors which helped in globalization
·        Travelers
·        Traders
·        Priests and Pilgrims
·        Germs and disease

30.  3 types of Flows
·        Flow of trade
·        Flow of labour
·        Flow of capital

31.  How a global agriculture economy took place
·        Flow of trade
·        Flow of labour
·        Flow of capital

32.  Factors which led to making of a global world
·        Railways
·        Telegraph
·        Steam ships
·        Internet

33.  Effects of reinterprets
·        Rest ruction of cattle
·        Destruction of livelihood
·        Monopolization of cattle’s
·        Conquering part of Africa


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